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Invoice Translation: Why and How You Should Get It Done

Sep 3, 2021
(updated: Nov 3, 2022)
Max 5 min read

Invoices not being clear, or not using clear language is a common mistake that many people make and is a top reason for invoices not getting paid on time.

If you regularly work with clients who speak languages other than English, you may find it beneficial to get your invoices translated.

Why Should You Get Your Invoices Translated?

Putting time into translating your invoice shows that you're willing to go the extra mile for your clients which may make it more likely for them to use your services or products again and provide recurring work.

So it's our advice that you send a translated, professional invoice to your clients who speak another language to ensure that your invoice shows exactly what they owe so that you can get paid faster.

translation invoice

Get Paid On Time

Having your invoices translated will allow you to get paid promptly. It will speed up the payment process since your invoice will be easier for your clients to read and understand.

They won't need to spend time translating the invoice themselves to check it and pay their bill.

Higher Customer Satisfaction

Translating your invoices gives your customers a better customer experience, since it shows them you care and will take extra steps to improve the process for them.

Taking little steps like this one makes it more likely that your customer will be satisfied and greatly improves the chances of getting more work from them.

Your Invoices Will Look Professional

Taking the time to translate your invoices will definitely help you look more professional.

Having professional-looking invoices that are laid out in a way that is easy for your clients to understand will be greatly appreciated by them. It proves to your customers that you're willing to be transparent and honest.

Where Can I Find Translation Services?

While you may be tempted to try using free software like Google Translate or another free translation service, don't do this!

Although it's a handy tool for when you're lost on holiday, Google Translate is simply not always accurate and you may end up confusing your client even more with a poor translation.

It's always best to go with a professional. Also, countries have different regulations regarding invoicing, so it's better to hire a professional (or even better, a native professional) to ensure you're following the rules of the country you're translating for.

Google Search

Similar to how you can find many services nowadays, you can find a professional, freelance translator through a quick Google search. You'll be directed straight to a professional's website to enquire about the services you need.

By looking for a translator or for a translation service through Google, you'll probably be directed to reputable companies near you. So a Google search is a great way to find translation services if you're keen to hire locally.

Facebook or LinkedIn

Many freelancers use Facebook and LinkedIn, and it's easy to find and get in touch with professional translators with a quick search on these platforms.

Simply searching for the term "freelance translator" will bring back lots of results for professional's pages.

The only downfall you have by looking for translation services this way is that you run the risk of the freelancer not being available since they're not coming to you looking for the work like they would on a third-party platform.

So you may need to send a message to a few different freelancers before you find one who can take on the work.


Upwork is the most popular freelancing platform. On Upwork, you can create a job post and talented professionals will post a proposal to do the work for a flat fee or an hourly rate.

Alternatively, you can search for freelancers and invite, interview and hire freelancers to translate your invoice for you.

The talent pool on Upwork is extremely vast and there is a range of freelancers from newbies to experienced translators that will be able to assist you in translating your professional invoices for your clients.

One of the good things about freelance platforms like Upwork is that you can see reviews from past clients of the freelancers so you know that you're hiring a good candidate.

Your money is also protected through Upwork with their secure payment plan, so you don't need to worry about losing money if you don't get the services that you paid for. This is a greater risk if you find a translator through Google or on a social media platform.


Similar to Upwork, Fiverr is another popular freelancing platform where you have a large pool of talented, professional freelancers. Freelancers on Fiverr also have varying experience and prices, so you can easily find a translator within your budget.

Fiverr is a good option if you want a talented professional to translate your professional invoices for a low price, but be aware that you may not get the best quality of work.

However, your money is also protected with Fiverr through their secure payment system so there's no need to worry about losing anything.

freelance translator creating an invoice

Should You Use A Translated Invoice Template?

There are many websites out there that offer a free invoice generator, and you may be able to get one in the language that you require.

The problem with this is that if you don't know the language, it may be tricky for you to know what you're sending to your client.

So it may be a better option for you to create your own invoice template, and then get that one translated into the languages that you require.

Once you've translated an invoice into one language, you can then use that for an invoice template for that language which you can use in the future to save time.

However, it's important to bear in mind that different countries have different rules regarding invoicing. Some countries do not allow translated invoices, for example, Australia only allows invoices in English.

Some countries also have varying rules regarding the tax information that is included on an invoice.

So it's important that you take these rules and regulations into consideration before sending a translated invoice to your client.

What Should You Translate On Your Invoice?

You won't always need to translate every aspect of your invoice. But it will be helpful if you translate the following:

  • Payment terms
  • Job terms and conditions
  • Services provided
  • Any regular notes

What You May Not Need to Translate

Certain things may become less clear or won't make sense on your invoice once translated:

  • Address
  • Line items
  • Payment details
  • Contact information
  • Business Name
translator creating  invoices


What does a translation service do?

A language translation service will take a document and translate the document into the language that you need.

Having access to a good translation service allows you to communicate with a global audience and means that you can have access to a wider pool of clients.

What is an invoice template?

An invoice template is a layout that makes it simple to change details each time but keeping the same professional-looking structure.  

An invoice template provides the necessary fields in the invoice and it makes it easy to fill in your company and customer details, and information about the product or service that you are billing your client for. 

You can download a great free invoice template here.

How do I translate an invoice?

Translating an invoice couldn't be easier now with access to a pool of freelance translators that you can find within minutes.

All you need to do is send your invoice for your client over to a professional translator.

However, before you send it, make sure that you check out the requirements of the country regarding their invoicing regulations. If you issue an invoice that’s contrary to the language requirements of your country, it’s not valid. This, of course, makes it difficult to collect your payments.

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