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How to create Freelance Model Contract Template - Tips & Tricks

Jul 1, 2023
(updated: Jun 30, 2023)
Max 5 min read

Are you a freelancer looking for a way to protect yourself in your freelance modeling career? A model contract template is a perfect solution! With a modeling contract, not only do you minimize the risk of being taken advantage of, but you’ll guarantee that all parties involved are on the same page when it comes to expectations and responsibilities.

In this article, you’ll find useful tips and tricks to help you build your freelance model career and secure your best interest. Let’s dive in!

What is a Modeling Agency Contract Template?

A modeling agency contract template is a pre-designed document that outlines the terms and conditions of the contractual agreement between a modeling agency and a model. This template serves as a starting point for creating a legally binding contract that governs the professional relationship between the agency and the model.

Freelance contract templates often include clauses such as copyright and intellectual property rights, liability limitations, non-disclosure requirements, conflict resolution provisions and use of model's name, image & likeness guidelines in order to give models secure and fair working conditions. 

By having these protections built into your model agreement, you can safely enter into a contractual relationship without the fear of any legal repercussions or misuse of confidential information.

8 Freelance Contract Template Essentials to Stay Safe and Get Paid on Time

Before we dive into how to write your modeling contract, let’s take a look at the 8 most essential elements you need in a strong contract and why you should include them. These elements are designed to protect your interests, establish clear expectations, and ensure you get paid on time. 

1. Scope of Work: Outlining Your Modeling Duties and Responsibilities

The scope of work is like a description of the job or tasks that the model will do. It explains what the model will be hired to do. For example, it could be walking on a runway to show off clothes, posing for pictures in magazines or advertisements, or being part of special events to promote products. The scope of work is important because it helps everyone understand exactly what is expected from the model. It's like a roadmap that tells them what they need to do and how they should do it.

2. Payment Terms: Making Sure You Receive Your Money on Time

Getting paid on time is really important when you work as a freelance model. To make sure you get your money when you're supposed to, it's crucial to talk about and agree on how and when you'll be paid with the people you're working with. This could be your boss or another freelancer. It's a good idea to do this so that you don't end up having to pay for legal stuff later on. It's especially important for models because they might not have a lot of access to legal help. Before you sign anything, make sure both sides fully understand and agree on how payment will happen. This way, you can protect yourself from being taken advantage of or having misunderstandings about how much you'll be paid.

3. Termination clauses to protect yourself in difficult situations

This type of clause should outline the specific conditions that would end the working relationship between a model and an employer for a given project. Having this built into your freelance template can help you protect yourself in difficult situations such as if an employer fails to pay or no longer needs your services. It also allows both parties involved with the contract agreement to know what their rights are if there were ever an issue that needed resolving without long-term legal complications. Termination clauses are essential for ensuring both sides understand how to proceed, whether it be ending or continuing the working relationship.

4. Copyright & Intellectual Property Rights: Who has ownership?

It's critical for both sides involved in a freelance contract to agree on who owns the rights to the work and ideas. This is especially crucial for freelance contractors because it helps make sure their work is treated the way they want it to be. In a good freelance contract, there should be clear rules about who owns the rights to the work and ideas, how they can be used or shared, who can use anything the freelancer creates, and if there are any limits on using the work in ways that aren't part of the contract.

5. Liability Limitations & Indemnity Agreements for protected workplace conditions

Liability limitations help protect employers from any claims that might arise due to injuries or damage caused on their premises. Additionally, having insurance can be really helpful if something unexpected happens while you're working. It's like having a safety net that can help pay for medical bills if you get hurt or sick. This way, both you and the other person involved don't have to worry too much about the costs. It's like having a backup plan to keep everyone protected and make sure things don't get too difficult.

6. Conflict Resolution Provisions to Resolve Disputes Quickly

When you make an agreement for modeling work, it's a good idea to include a plan for solving problems that may come up. This plan is called a conflict resolution provision. It explains what should happen if there is a disagreement or if someone can't work because they're sick or hurt. It's important for both you and your employer to agree on things like how to handle sick pay, who pays for any extra costs, and other important details about solving problems. By having all of this figured out ahead of time, it helps make sure that issues get sorted out quickly and fairly. That way, everyone can keep going with the work without any unnecessary delays or legal problems.

7. Nondisclosure Requirements: Keep Confidential Information Secure

Nondisclosure helps keep any secret or private information safe. It's important for both the model and the people hiring them to make sure they don't share sensitive stuff without permission. This is very important for modeling agencies because they might have personal information about models or special ways they do business that should stay private. By including these rules in contracts with freelance models, employers can make sure their interests are protected and everyone stays safe.

8. Use of Model's Name, Image & Likeness Guidelines

Last (but certainly not least), it's important to have clear rules about how your name, picture, and likeness can be used. This is to make sure that you and the agency you're working with are protected from any legal problems that could happen if your information is used without permission. With these details in the contract, everyone will know how their information might be used outside of the agreement. By having these rules, models can feel safe knowing their rights are respected, and it also helps keep any private stuff at the agency secure.

What is the purpose of a freelance model contract template?

The main reason for using a freelance modeling contract template is to make sure everyone understands the rules and expectations when working together. It's like a guide that explains what the model and the client should do and what they can expect from each other. The contract template helps avoid misunderstandings and keeps things fair and clear. It's a way to protect both the model and the client and make sure everyone is treated fairly. So, it's like a roadmap that helps everyone stay on the same page and have a smooth and successful working relationship.

Having a template makes the process of creating a contract much easier, since you don’t have to worry about leaving out any important details. It’s also far less time-consuming than it would be to create a contract from scratch.

Do Freelance Models Need a Contract?

Freelance models should definitely use a contract. Even though it might not be required by law, having a contract is important for protecting their rights and making sure everyone understands what they need to do. Contracts help freelancers and clients agree on things like the work they'll do, how much they'll get paid, and who owns the pictures or videos they create. 

Contracts also help freelancers handle problems and disagreements in a fair way. By using a contract, freelance models can stay safe, show they're serious about their work, and avoid getting into legal trouble. It's a smart move that helps models work better with clients and be more successful at their jobs in the dynamic world of freelance modeling.

Consequences of Not Using a Freelance Model Contract

Skipping out on a freelance model contract can lead to some sticky situations like misunderstandings and payment disputes. Some other various consequences include::

  1. Limited Protection for Freelancer: Without a freelance agreement, the freelancer will not have any legal protection in case of disputes or misunderstandings between them and their employer.
  2. Lack of Security for Modeling Agency: Without a model contract, modeling agencies may be exposed to potential legal issues related to copyright infringement or misuse of confidential information due to lack of clearly outlined terms and conditions.
  3. Unclear Working Relationship: When there is no contractual relationship between the parties involved, it can become difficult to define roles, establish expectations and ensure both parties are held accountable by clear boundaries set forth in an agreement.
  4. Increased Risk of Fraudulent Activity: With no legally binding document protecting either party from fraudulent activity, such as non-payment after completed work or unauthorized use of intellectual property rights belonging to one another, there is much greater risk that both sides could suffer financial losses if something were to go wrong during the project's duration.
  5. Potential Legal Implications: Failing to use a model contract template leaves open the possibility that there could be serious legal implications arising from violation of laws governing publishing contracts which would only add additional stress and complexity into an already complicated working relationship with your employer.

Not using a freelance model contract can leave both the freelancer and the client vulnerable to legal disputes, payment issues, misunderstandings, and inadequate protection of intellectual property. Having a well-drafted contract helps establish clear expectations, protect both parties' rights, and minimize the potential risks and uncertainties associated with freelance work.

How do you write a modeling contract?

Writing a modeling contract requires careful consideration of all parties involved, including the model and any clients. It’s essential to use a professional freelance contract template that outlines all the terms and conditions applicable to the agreement, such as copyright and intellectual property rights, liability limitations, non-disclosure requirements, conflict resolution provisions and use of model's name, image & likeness guidelines. 

Here’s the most important elements your contract should include:

Parties Involved

Clearly identify the names and contact information of both the model and the client or agency. This section ensures that all parties are correctly identified and establishes their roles in the agreement.

Scope of Work

Define the specific services the model will provide, including the type of modeling (e.g., fashion, commercial, runway), the number of hours or days required, and any specific assignments or projects.


Clearly state the agreed-upon compensation for the model's services, including rates, payment schedule, and any additional expenses or reimbursements the client or agency will cover. Specify the consequences for late or non-payment.

Usage Rights and Licensing

Address the rights and licenses granted to the client or agency regarding the use of the model's images or likeness. Specify the purpose, duration, and territories where the images will be used, and whether additional compensation will be provided for extended usage.

Intellectual Property

Clarify who retains ownership of the intellectual property rights, such as photographs or videos created during the modeling assignment. Specify any restrictions on the model's ability to use or sell these assets independently.

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

Include provisions to protect the confidentiality of sensitive information shared during the engagement, such as trade secrets or marketing strategies. Ensure that the model understands their responsibilities regarding privacy and non-disclosure.

Termination Clause

Outline the conditions under which either party can terminate the contract, including any notice periods required and the consequences of termination, such as final payments or return of materials.

Indemnification and Liability

Allocate responsibilities and potential liabilities between the parties, protecting each party from claims, damages, or losses arising from the modeling services. This clause can include provisions for insurance coverage, dispute resolution mechanisms, or limitations of liability.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Specify the applicable law governing the contract and the jurisdiction or court where any disputes will be resolved.


Include spaces for both the model and the client or agency to sign and date the contract, acknowledging their agreement to the terms and conditions.

It’s crucial to meet with a legal professional experienced in contract law or a modeling agency to make sure that the contract complies with applicable laws and covers all necessary aspects for your specific modeling engagement.

What is a good modeling contract?

A good modeling contract is one that fully outlines the terms of engagement for any specific project and has been legally vetted to make sure your best interests are kept in mind.

These are 3 key tips to follow to create a good modeling contract:

  1. Be Clear and Specific: Make sure to use clear and specific language in the contract to avoid any misunderstandings. Clearly define the scope of work, the duration of the contract, and any specific requirements or expectations from both parties involved. This helps ensure that everyone is on the same page and understands their responsibilities.
  2. Include Important Clauses: Incorporate essential clauses to protect both the model and the employer. Some important clauses to consider include payment terms, usage rights (such as how the model's image will be used), cancellation or termination procedures, and confidentiality agreements. These clauses provide clarity and protection for both parties.
  3. Seek Legal Advice: It's always a good idea to consult with a lawyer or legal professional who has experience in the modeling industry. They can review and provide guidance on the contract to ensure it complies with applicable laws and covers all necessary aspects. This helps minimize potential legal risks and ensures the contract is fair and enforceable.

Remember, writing a good modeling contract is crucial for establishing clear expectations, protecting rights, and avoiding disputes.

How Can Indy Help?

Creating a contract for freelance modeling can be really time-consuming. Fortunately, contract templates make things much easier. They also ensure that all of the essential elements are included in your agreement.

Indy has legally-vetted contract templates to keep you protected (and you can create one in just minutes)! 

Here’s how:

  • Choose a template: Choose the contract template you need and fill in your business details. That’s it! The Contract Wizard automatically updates the entire contract in seconds.
  • Digital Assistant: Want to revise a section of a contract? The Digital Assistant can automatically generate content for the most critical sections of a contract, giving you a first draft that you can easily revise to fit your needs.
  • Workflow Automation: You can set up automated actions. For example, when a client signs the contract, an invoice will automatically be created without you having to move a finger.
  • E-signatures: Electronic signatures make it easy for you and your client to sign a contract, so you can start projects faster.

Our legally-vetted contract templates secure every aspect of your freelance business. Plus, Indy has invoices, proposals, to-do lists, and more, so you can manage your entire business in one place. Get started today for free

Wrapping Up

A freelance model contract template is a very important tool for models and agencies in the modeling industry. Contracts help protect everyone from legal problems and makes sure that everyone knows what they should do. Without a contract, there could be less protection for freelancers, less security for agencies, confusion about how things should work, more chances of people trying to trick you, and possible legal trouble. That's why it's really important for both the model and the agency to understand how crucial it is to have this agreement before starting any project or working with an employer.

With Indy’s contract builder, contracts can be signed quickly without ever leaving your desk. Whether you’re looking to protect your interests or secure deals faster, using contract templates is an effective way to reduce guesswork and speed up the signing process. Get started today for free!

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